Project of the city of Poreč to promote ecology and ecological literacy – EkoPis

We collect and disseminate reliable information on invasive species and other environmental topics relevant to the area of Poreč and Istria.

Project EkoPis: Monitoring changes in the environment and promotion of ecological literacy are carried out by biologists from the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč, with the support of the City of Poreč. In fact, it is a continuation of the Center for Invasive Species project, which has been operating in the Poreč area for several years and deals with invasive plant and animal species, as well as other ecological topics. Considering the great interest of citizens in various environmental topics, we decided to expand our activities and change the name. The goal of the project is the active involvement of all competent institutions in the area of the city of Poreč and beyond, as well as children and citizens in the preservation of health and our unique and extremely valuable natural heritage.

What do we do?

Creating lists of present foreign and domestic invasive species

Determining their expansion and systematic monitoring of population status

Cooperation with other sectors in order to prevent alien species invasion and the implementation of the removal program

Organization of info points about invasive species and current ecological topics for tourists in the summer months

Other activities related to the topics of invasive species and, generally, ecology and sustainable development

Conducting continuous education of the general public on invasive species

Preparing information material regarding ecological theme

Constant contact with the citizens and providing information to all interested citizens

Communication with all interest groups (agriculture, tourism, fisheries, associations, institutions, media …)


What are the measures to combat the spread of invasive species?


The most effective way to manage invasive species is prevention. Prevention protects us from the  occurance of serious economic, ecological and sociological consequences of an invasive species expansion.


If prevention has failed and the invasive species appears in our environment it is necessary to detect and determine it as soon as possible. It is of great importance to verify the appearance of an invasive species in order to react in a timely manner.

Response and control

When an invasive species occurs in a habitat, it is necessary to react quickly and take measures not to allow its expansion into other habitats. The success of these actions depends on the speed of reaction and the method of control and the possible elimination.

Managing and customising

Sometimes an invasive species is found in an environment where successful removal and control is impossible. In such cases, it is important to take measures to minimize its impact on human life and natural environment.
With such adjustments, practical steps are taken to protect the community from the harmful effects of that species on society.


Educating and raising awareness of the importance of invasive species  as a cause of environmental harm and danger to human health.